当前位置:铅笔小说>都市青春>傲慢与偏见> 第143章


Mary was the only daughter who remained at home; and she was necessarily drawn from the pursuit of accomplishments by Mrs.Bennets being quite unable to sit alone.Mary was obliged to mix more with the world,but she could still moralize over every morning visit;and as she was no longer mortified by comparisons between her sisters beauty and her own,it was suspected by her father that she submitted to the change without much reluctance.

As for Wickham and Lydia,their characters suffered no revolution from the marriage of her sisters. He bore with philosophy the conviction that Elizabeth must now become acquainted with whatever of his ingratitude and falsehood had before been unknown to her;and in spite of every thing,was not wholly without hope that Darcy might yet be prevailed on……




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