当前位置:铅笔小说>都市青春>傲慢与偏见> 第128章


“I must go instantly to my mother;”she cried.“I would not on any account trifle with her affectionate solicitude;or allow her to hear it from anyone but myself.He is gone to my father already. Oh!Lizzy,to know that what I have to relate will give such pleasure to all my dear family!how shall I bear so much happiness!”

She then hastened away to her mother, who had purposely broken up the card party,and was sitting up stairs with Kitty.

Elizabeth, who was left by herself, now smiled at the rapidity and ease with which an affair was finally settled,that had given them so many previous months of suspense and vexation.

“And this,”said she,“is the end of all his friends anxious circumspection!of all his sisters falsehood and contrivance!the happiest,wisest,most reasonable end!”……




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