当前位置:铅笔小说>都市青春>傲慢与偏见> 第125章


As soon as they were gone,Elizabeth walked out to recover her spirits;or in other words,to dwell without interruption on those subjects that must deaden them more. Mr. Darcys behaviour astonished and vexed her.

“Why,if he came only to be silent,grave,and indifferent,”said she,“did he come at all?”

She could settle it in no way that gave her pleasure.

“He could be still amiable,still pleasing,to my uncle and aunt, when he was in town; and why not to me? If he fears me, why come hither? If he no longer cares for me, why silent?Teasing, teasing,man!I will think no more about him.”

Her resolution was for a short time involuntarily kept by the approach of her sister,who joined her with a cheerful look,which showed her better satisfied with their visitors,than Elizabeth.





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