当前位置:铅笔小说>都市青春>傲慢与偏见> 第119章


Elizabeth had the satisfaction of receiving an answer to her letter as soon as she possibly could. She was no sooner in possession of it,than hurrying into the little copse,where she was least likely to be interrupted,she sat down on one of the benches and prepared to be happy;for the length of the letter convinced her that it did not contain a denial.

Gracechurch street,Sept.6.

“My dear Niece,

“I have just received your letter, and shall devote this whole morning to answering it,as I foresee that a little writing will not comprise what I have to tell you.I must confess myself surprised by your application;I did not expect it from you.Dont think me angry,however,for I only mean to let you know that I had not imagined such inquiries to be necessary on your side.If you do not cho……




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