当前位置:铅笔小说>都市青春>傲慢与偏见> 第112章


Two days after Mr.Bennets return,as Jane and Elizabeth were walking together in the shrubbery behind the house,they saw the housekeeper coming towards them, and, concluding that she came to call them to their mother, went forward to meet her; but, instead of the expected summons, when they approached her, she said to Miss Bennet,“I beg your pardon,madam,for interrupting you, but I was in hopes you might have got some good news from town,so I took the liberty of coming to ask.”

“What do you mean,Hill?We have heard nothing from town.”

“Dear madam,”cried Mrs. Hill, in great astonishment,“dont you know there is an express come for master from Mr.Gardiner? He has been here this half-hour,and master has had a letter.”

Away ran the girls,too eager to get in to have time for spee……




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