当前位置:铅笔小说>都市青春>傲慢与偏见> 第104章


If gratitude and esteem are good foundations of affection, Elizabeths change of sentiment will be neither improbable nor faulty. But if otherwise—if regard springing from such sources is unreasonable or unnatural,in comparison of what is so often described as arising on a first interview with its object,and even before two words have been exchanged, nothing can be said in her defence, except that she had given somewhat of a trial to the latter method in her partiality for Wickham, and that its ill success might, perhaps, authorise her to seek the other less interesting mode of attachment.Be that as it may,she saw him go with regret;and in this early example of what Lydias infamy must produce,found additional anguish as she reflected on that wretched business. Never, since rea……




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