当前位置:铅笔小说>都市青春>傲慢与偏见> 第100章


In Darcys presence she dared not mention Wickhams name;but Elizabeth instantly comprehended that he was uppermost in her thoughts;and the various recollections connected with him gave her a moments distress; but exerting herself vigorously to repel the ill-natured attack,she presently answered the question in a tolerably detached tone.While she spoke, an involuntary glance showed her Darcy, with a heightened complexion, earnestly looking at her,and his sister overcome with confusion, and unable to lift up her eyes.Had Miss Bingley known what pain she was then giving her beloved friend, she undoubtedly would have refrained from the hint; but she had merely intended to discompose Elizabeth by bringing forward the idea of a man to whom she believed her partial, to make her betray……




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